Each one of us is aware of the latest trend of sending very young children to pre-schools and daycare right from the age of one and a half years or maybe even a little before. Earlier this was a rarity, something unheard of. Our parents and grandparents often wonder what these young babies can learn at such a young age. This is a debatable subject. One cannot dispute the fact that the early years, especially two and a half to six, are the foundation years, critical years and impressionable years. Whatever we impart to children at this age stays for life. This concept helps the child build his self-identity and to provide a stimulating environment, full of the enriching experiment. Today, the focus is not much on teaching but on active learning.
We all as ECCED professionals have this huge responsibility of training young impressionable minds and giving our nation robust and well- balanced individuals.
- What is Education?
Education is a process through which knowledge/ skills are gained either naturally/ spontaneously or through training.
- What is intelligence?
Intelligence is a part of education. It is the mental ability to think logically, reason out, process the knowledge received, solve problems and adapt to the environment one is in. We have a fixed IQ [Intelligence Quotient]; however, with the right training and environment, we can help children achieve their real potential.
- Key aspects of Education
Earlier, Latin thinker John. L believed that children were blank slates but in modern times this belief has changed and children are no more blank slates. They do possess prior knowledge due to increased exposure to the world than before. There is an explosion of information in today's world and the world has become smaller thanks to technology. We, therefore, cannot underestimate the prior knowledge children may already have. There are two ways to approach ECCED, one is teacher-centric and the other one is child-centric. In a teacher-centric approach, the teacher designs plans and executes her ideas, thoughts, and lessons using her materials. In child centric method, the teacher focuses on the interest, response and prior knowledge of her class and accordingly plans her lessons for active learning. The teacher can make learning more effective if she interacts with children, is sensitive to her children's interests, needs, and capabilities. She would need to evaluate her teaching styles.
- What is Early Childhood Care Education and Development?
The term early childhood care education and development refers to the holistic [all round growth and development of the child] in the critical/foundation years. As per NAEYC [National Association for the Education of Young children], this age span is from birth to 8 years. As per India's NPE {National Policy of Education}, ECCED is the training given from 2 and a half to 8 and a half years.
However, the growth and the development of the child start at conception itself and therefore, care starts from conception. ECCED is the training given at an impressionable age span- between 2 and a half to 6 years. This is because during these foundation/critical years the growth and development are so rapid that whatever is learned is retained for life. These are the teachable moments for the language, concepts, habits, nutrition etc. Research also has proved that maximum brain development [parts of the brain], occurs by the age of 6. In the early years, the brain establishes connections and pathways rapidly; however, processing information like an adult still requires experience and training.
- Why has ECCED gained so much importance over the years?
Over the years, there is a sudden boom in the preschool industry. Generations ago, children used to grow with 5-10 children in the same house when the joint family system existed. With nuclear families on the rise and a single child concept; one has to depend on pre-schools to create such an environment for young children. Apart from this, other socio-economic drivers include, increasing disposable income due to working parents, lack of time and space in cities, stress and rise in the number of working/educated women. There is also increased awareness of importance of pre-schools.
- What are the aims and objectives of ECCED?
The questions that the purpose of sending children to a pre-school.
- Is it just another gimmick to put pressure on children?
- How does it benefit children?
Many parents feel that they turned out quite all right without having attended any pre-schools. So the question is If one decides to send their child to a pre-school what should ideally be the outcome.
- Definition of a Preschool:
A pre-school is a place where around 20-30 children spend 2-3 hrs each day, under the supervision of trained teachers.
- Broad aims/objectives of ECCED or a preschool:
- The single main motto of a preschool is to provide opportunities to the child to explore/ grow from within nature and to help him connect with the environment.
- The child also establishes his self-identity in the first two years of his life.
- To ensure that the child develops holistically in key areas or domains [social, emotional, cognitive, physical, sensory, language and creative development]
Key objectives of ECCED and pre-school Education.
- To develop good physique, sound muscular co-ordination and basic motor skills of the child.
- To develop positive healthy habits and to develop useful basic self-help skills necessary for personal life such as dressing themselves, toilet-training, eating and hygiene.
- To develop desirable social attitudes, manners. To develop healthy group participation by making the child sensitive to the rights and privileges of being a member of a social group and to encourage him to co-operate, share and take care of property belonging to him as well as others.
- To stimulate the child to think and question about his immediate environment. To help him understand the world in which he lives and to develop new interests through opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment.
- To make play an integral part of the learning process and provide foundation for academics in the future.
- To imbibe in the child, independence and creativity by providing him with sufficient opportunities for self- expression.
- To develop emotional maturity in the child by guiding him to express, understand accept and control his feeling and emotions. Build self-identity and a positive self-concept in the child.
- preschool education attempts to provide children with an enabling and conducive environment which is often lacking, particularly in urban areas, where child cannot run and play. It also assists in preparing children for formal education in future.
- What is intelligence?
Intelligence is a part of education. It is the mental ability to think logically, reason out, process the knowledge received, solve problems and adapt to the environment one is in. We have a fixed IQ [Intelligence Quotient]; however, with the right training and environment, we can help children achieve their real potential.
- Key aspects of Education
Earlier, Latin thinker John. L believed that children were blank slates but in modern times this belief has changed and children are no more blank slates. They do possess prior knowledge due to increased exposure to the world than before. There is an explosion of information in today's world and the world has become smaller thanks to technology. We, therefore, cannot underestimate the prior knowledge children may already have. There are two ways to approach ECCED, one is teacher-centric and the other one is child-centric. In a teacher-centric approach, the teacher designs plans and executes her ideas, thoughts, and lessons using her materials. In child centric method, the teacher focuses on the interest, response and prior knowledge of her class and accordingly plans her lessons for active learning. The teacher can make learning more effective if she interacts with children, is sensitive to her children's interests, needs, and capabilities. She would need to evaluate her teaching styles.
- What is Early Childhood Care Education and Development?
The term early childhood care education and development refers to the holistic [all round growth and development of the child] in the critical/foundation years. As per NAEYC [National Association for the Education of Young children], this age span is from birth to 8 years. As per India's NPE {National Policy of Education}, ECCED is the training given from 2 and a half to 8 and a half years.
However, the growth and the development of the child start at conception itself and therefore, care starts from conception. ECCED is the training given at an impressionable age span- between 2 and a half to 6 years. This is because during these foundation/critical years the growth and development are so rapid that whatever is learned is retained for life. These are the teachable moments for the language, concepts, habits, nutrition etc. Research also has proved that maximum brain development [parts of the brain], occurs by the age of 6. In the early years, the brain establishes connections and pathways rapidly; however, processing information like an adult still requires experience and training.
- Why has ECCED gained so much importance over the years?
Over the years, there is a sudden boom in the preschool industry. Generations ago, children used to grow with 5-10 children in the same house when the joint family system existed. With nuclear families on the rise and a single child concept; one has to depend on pre-schools to create such an environment for young children. Apart from this, other socio-economic drivers include, increasing disposable income due to working parents, lack of time and space in cities, stress and rise in the number of working/educated women. There is also increased awareness of importance of pre-schools.
- What are the aims and objectives of ECCED?
The questions that the purpose of sending children to a pre-school.
- Is it just another gimmick to put pressure on children?
- How does it benefit children?
Many parents feel that they turned out quite all right without having attended any pre-schools. So the question is If one decides to send their child to a pre-school what should ideally be the outcome.
- Definition of a Preschool:
A pre-school is a place where around 20-30 children spend 2-3 hrs each day, under the supervision of trained teachers.
- Broad aims/objectives of ECCED or a preschool:
- The single main motto of a preschool is to provide opportunities to the child to explore/ grow from within nature and to help him connect with the environment.
- The child also establishes his self-identity in the first two years of his life.
- To ensure that the child develops holistically in key areas or domains [social, emotional, cognitive, physical, sensory, language and creative development]
Key objectives of ECCED and pre-school Education.
- To develop good physique, sound muscular co-ordination and basic motor skills of the child.
- To develop positive healthy habits and to develop useful basic self-help skills necessary for personal life such as dressing themselves, toilet-training, eating and hygiene.
- To develop desirable social attitudes, manners. To develop healthy group participation by making the child sensitive to the rights and privileges of being a member of a social group and to encourage him to co-operate, share and take care of property belonging to him as well as others.
- To stimulate the child to think and question about his immediate environment. To help him understand the world in which he lives and to develop new interests through opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment.
- To make play an integral part of the learning process and provide foundation for academics in the future.
- To imbibe in the child, independence and creativity by providing him with sufficient opportunities for self- expression.
- To develop emotional maturity in the child by guiding him to express, understand accept and control his feeling and emotions. Build self-identity and a positive self-concept in the child.
- preschool education attempts to provide children with an enabling and conducive environment which is often lacking, particularly in urban areas, where child cannot run and play. It also assists in preparing children for formal education in future.
- Key aspects of Education
Earlier, Latin thinker John. L believed that children were blank slates but in modern times this belief has changed and children are no more blank slates. They do possess prior knowledge due to increased exposure to the world than before. There is an explosion of information in today's world and the world has become smaller thanks to technology. We, therefore, cannot underestimate the prior knowledge children may already have. There are two ways to approach ECCED, one is teacher-centric and the other one is child-centric. In a teacher-centric approach, the teacher designs plans and executes her ideas, thoughts, and lessons using her materials. In child centric method, the teacher focuses on the interest, response and prior knowledge of her class and accordingly plans her lessons for active learning. The teacher can make learning more effective if she interacts with children, is sensitive to her children's interests, needs, and capabilities. She would need to evaluate her teaching styles.
- What is Early Childhood Care Education and Development?
The term early childhood care education and development refers to the holistic [all round growth and development of the child] in the critical/foundation years. As per NAEYC [National Association for the Education of Young children], this age span is from birth to 8 years. As per India's NPE {National Policy of Education}, ECCED is the training given from 2 and a half to 8 and a half years.
However, the growth and the development of the child start at conception itself and therefore, care starts from conception. ECCED is the training given at an impressionable age span- between 2 and a half to 6 years. This is because during these foundation/critical years the growth and development are so rapid that whatever is learned is retained for life. These are the teachable moments for the language, concepts, habits, nutrition etc. Research also has proved that maximum brain development [parts of the brain], occurs by the age of 6. In the early years, the brain establishes connections and pathways rapidly; however, processing information like an adult still requires experience and training.
- Why has ECCED gained so much importance over the years?
Over the years, there is a sudden boom in the preschool industry. Generations ago, children used to grow with 5-10 children in the same house when the joint family system existed. With nuclear families on the rise and a single child concept; one has to depend on pre-schools to create such an environment for young children. Apart from this, other socio-economic drivers include, increasing disposable income due to working parents, lack of time and space in cities, stress and rise in the number of working/educated women. There is also increased awareness of importance of pre-schools.
- What are the aims and objectives of ECCED?
The questions that the purpose of sending children to a pre-school.
- Is it just another gimmick to put pressure on children?
- How does it benefit children?
Many parents feel that they turned out quite all right without having attended any pre-schools. So the question is If one decides to send their child to a pre-school what should ideally be the outcome.
- Definition of a Preschool:
A pre-school is a place where around 20-30 children spend 2-3 hrs each day, under the supervision of trained teachers.
- Broad aims/objectives of ECCED or a preschool:
- The single main motto of a preschool is to provide opportunities to the child to explore/ grow from within nature and to help him connect with the environment.
- The child also establishes his self-identity in the first two years of his life.
- To ensure that the child develops holistically in key areas or domains [social, emotional, cognitive, physical, sensory, language and creative development]
Key objectives of ECCED and pre-school Education.
- To develop good physique, sound muscular co-ordination and basic motor skills of the child.
- To develop positive healthy habits and to develop useful basic self-help skills necessary for personal life such as dressing themselves, toilet-training, eating and hygiene.
- To develop desirable social attitudes, manners. To develop healthy group participation by making the child sensitive to the rights and privileges of being a member of a social group and to encourage him to co-operate, share and take care of property belonging to him as well as others.
- To stimulate the child to think and question about his immediate environment. To help him understand the world in which he lives and to develop new interests through opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment.
- To make play an integral part of the learning process and provide foundation for academics in the future.
- To imbibe in the child, independence and creativity by providing him with sufficient opportunities for self- expression.
- To develop emotional maturity in the child by guiding him to express, understand accept and control his feeling and emotions. Build self-identity and a positive self-concept in the child.
- preschool education attempts to provide children with an enabling and conducive environment which is often lacking, particularly in urban areas, where child cannot run and play. It also assists in preparing children for formal education in future.
- What is Early Childhood Care Education and Development?
However, the growth and the development of the child start at conception itself and therefore, care starts from conception. ECCED is the training given at an impressionable age span- between 2 and a half to 6 years. This is because during these foundation/critical years the growth and development are so rapid that whatever is learned is retained for life. These are the teachable moments for the language, concepts, habits, nutrition etc. Research also has proved that maximum brain development [parts of the brain], occurs by the age of 6. In the early years, the brain establishes connections and pathways rapidly; however, processing information like an adult still requires experience and training.
- Why has ECCED gained so much importance over the years?
Over the years, there is a sudden boom in the preschool industry. Generations ago, children used to grow with 5-10 children in the same house when the joint family system existed. With nuclear families on the rise and a single child concept; one has to depend on pre-schools to create such an environment for young children. Apart from this, other socio-economic drivers include, increasing disposable income due to working parents, lack of time and space in cities, stress and rise in the number of working/educated women. There is also increased awareness of importance of pre-schools.
- What are the aims and objectives of ECCED?
- Is it just another gimmick to put pressure on children?
- How does it benefit children?
Many parents feel that they turned out quite all right without having attended any pre-schools. So the question is If one decides to send their child to a pre-school what should ideally be the outcome.
- Definition of a Preschool:
A pre-school is a place where around 20-30 children spend 2-3 hrs each day, under the supervision of trained teachers.
- Broad aims/objectives of ECCED or a preschool:
- The single main motto of a preschool is to provide opportunities to the child to explore/ grow from within nature and to help him connect with the environment.
- The child also establishes his self-identity in the first two years of his life.
- To ensure that the child develops holistically in key areas or domains [social, emotional, cognitive, physical, sensory, language and creative development]
Key objectives of ECCED and pre-school Education.
- To develop good physique, sound muscular co-ordination and basic motor skills of the child.
- To develop positive healthy habits and to develop useful basic self-help skills necessary for personal life such as dressing themselves, toilet-training, eating and hygiene.
- To develop desirable social attitudes, manners. To develop healthy group participation by making the child sensitive to the rights and privileges of being a member of a social group and to encourage him to co-operate, share and take care of property belonging to him as well as others.
- To stimulate the child to think and question about his immediate environment. To help him understand the world in which he lives and to develop new interests through opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment.
- To make play an integral part of the learning process and provide foundation for academics in the future.
- To imbibe in the child, independence and creativity by providing him with sufficient opportunities for self- expression.
- To develop emotional maturity in the child by guiding him to express, understand accept and control his feeling and emotions. Build self-identity and a positive self-concept in the child.
- preschool education attempts to provide children with an enabling and conducive environment which is often lacking, particularly in urban areas, where child cannot run and play. It also assists in preparing children for formal education in future.
- Domains/Aspects of Child Development.
Growth and development occur in different aspects of human beings. The interdisciplinary study of Child Development is vast. For the purpose of the study and to make it more orderly and convenient it is divided into various domains or aspects. These aspects are mainly physical, motor, cognitive, social, emotional and moral development. These all aspects are interrelated and interconnected with each other and for proper development and growth of the child parents and teachers have to aware of every domain/aspect. These aspects are as follows.

ECCED- Domains of Child Growth and Development.
- Physical Development.
The rapid growth of different parts of the body and their capacity to function is Physical Development. It is regarding the development of the body and its parts. Changes in body size, brain development. changes in body proportion, development of sensory capacities, the functioning of various body systems are all parts of physical development. It is important to know how children grow physically as physical development is connected with other domains and it can affect the development of other domains directly or indirectly. Although physical growth follows similar patterns in all children, the rate of development differs from individual to individual. It is also different from one stage to another stage.
- Motor Development.
Motor development means controlled movements of the body through the coordination of muscles and nerves. It is the development of the body and muscles. Children learn and acquire many skills through motor muscles, which are of two types of fine motor and gross motor. Fine motor is smaller muscles involve pincer grasp and the gross motor is the involvement of larger muscles. Fine motor skills are the involvement of holding a pencil, crayons, holding the spoon, eating food, etc. Gross motor skills mean using larger muscles of hand and legs for running, jumping, playing, etc. Motor development is the development of control over bodily movements through the coordinated activity of the nerve centers, the nerves, and the muscles. There are specific years to acquire motor skills and for that Childhood is called ideal age for learning skills because children's bodies are more flexible and can easily acquire skills.NOTE- In order to make children acquire motor skills easily and have proper physical growth and development, it is the duty of parents and teachers to provide opportunities that promote muscles co-ordination for both muscles, for gross motor -jumping, hopping, ball play, outdoor games and for fine motor there are coloring, cutting, pasting, lacing, beading . in order to develop their muscles skills their are indoor and outdoor play very important. Motor development and physical development are greatly dependant on each other and connected.
- Language Development.
Every means of communication in which thoughts and feelings are expressed to convey meaning to others, such as speaking, sign language, gestures, and facial expressions. Language development plays a very important role in children's social development. For enhancing language development certain skills and activities like to enable children to listen, speak, read and write, encourage object talk, free conversation, picture talk, drama, word/letter games, stories, poems/rhymes/songs, drawing, pretend play can help a lot. There are four components of language -Listening, speaking, Reading and Writing. Language is developed only when more and more opportunities are given to listen first. Encourage children to express verbally in the form of speech, reading and then eventually writing.
- Cognitive Development.
The ability to think/reason and become aware of one's environment/surroundings. Cognition is closely related to intelligence. Can a young child think logically and have a reason? This is a question that we often ask ourselves. Young children can achieve cognitive abilities gradually and they gain understanding first about what is presented to them in real concrete form. A younger child would know about apple when he looks, feels, sees, tastes the apple. An older child can just by imagination without seeing an apple describe an apple as he has already known about apple. Cognitive development is a development of a wide variety of thought processes and intellectual abilities including attention, memory, acquisition of academic and everyday knowledge, problem-solving, imagination, creativity and the uniquely human capacity to represent the world through language. Parents and teachers can promote cognitive development such as puzzles, riddles, games related to concept-based lessons, field trips, role play, concreate experiments, books, sensory play with equipment, quiz, etc.
- Moral Development
Moral development occurs in two distinct but interrelated phases i.e. the development of moral behavior and development of moral concepts. It is the development of behavior that conforms to the standard of the group with which the individual is identified. There are rules of behavior to which the members of a culture are accustomed to and which determines the expected behavior patterns of all group members. Learning to behave in the right way, distinguishing between right and wrong and the development of the conscience is gradually learned.
- Social Development
The ability to behave and adjust according to the expectations of the society, including conforming to a group standard, morals, and traditions. It means acquisitions of ability to behave in accordance with social expectations. This is known as Socialization. Becoming socialized involves processes such as learning to behave in socially approved ways, playing approved social roles and development of social attitude. Every social group has its own standard of approved behaviors for its members. Children must learn that standard and behave accordingly. There are certain opportunities that promote social development such as, group activities/games, moral stories, celebrations, drama, etc.
- Emotional Development
The ability to identify, express and control emotions. It refers to the development of emotions and how they affect personal and social adjustments. It is very essential to study this domain of development because emotion plays a very important role in everyone's life from infancy to old age. The various aspects such as positive and negative emotions, emotional expressions, control over expressions and emotions and emotional maturity are studied. For promoting Emotional development there are role-plays of different emotions, emotions charts, music, art, craft, clay, drama, puppets/dolls, stories, sand/water play, free play, pretend play are opportunities.
- Creative Development
The ability to imagine and form original ideas through exploration and discovery; leading to some new achievement in painting, drama, music, building blocks, etc. Teachers should provide opportunities that promote their creativity such as drama, dance, music, free play, blocks, drawing, painting, craftwork, free drawing, activities, music, puppets, dressing dolls, construction toys, etc. In order to build imagination in the child, there should be enough scope of self-expression with minimum interference. There should be no pressure on creating a perfect manner.
- Sensory Development
The ability to use one's senses [touch, sight, smell, hear, listen] to gain and process knowledge. many types of research had proven that sense is the doorways to acquire knowledge/ experience in young children as they can't think logically. No wonder they always argue to use senses of touch-tactile, see-visual, hear-auditory, smell-olfactory and taste-stereognosis. Senses are the natural way of learning. For developing skills, especially cognitive it is essential to make children actively use all their senses to gain knowledge about the world. This is called a multisensorial approach. Teachers and parents, provide opportunities like different pictures for sight, listening to music/story, sound boxes for hearing, identifying various objects by their smells, touching hard and soft, heavy light objects for senses of touch.
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ECCED- Domains of Child Growth and Development. |
- Physical Development.
- Motor Development.
- Language Development.
- Cognitive Development.
- Moral Development
- Social Development
- Emotional Development
- Creative Development
- Sensory Development
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