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This blog gives you relevant and descriptive information related to the children, new parents, and teachers. These blogs give all information related to children like prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal development and adjustments, information related to their education readiness and the importance of teachers in their growth and development.


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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Stages of Child Development and basic needs of the children and ways to meet them.

Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow,' said  Jawaharlal Nehru.
Children are very important resources for any country. Children re not only the future of the country they are the future of mankind. They are the important pillars with whom one can build their future, so for making are future strong we need to make our pillar strong. They are the ones who are going to make the country strong and conducive places to live. So if we want to make our future strong so need to focus on the present as well. We need to focus on child's present, their growth and development, cater to their essential needs and prepare them for the future.

Meaning of Child Development

Child development is a specialized area of study which concerns itself with the growth and development of a child right from the moment of conception to adolescence.
  The term development means a progressive series of changes that occur as a result of maturation and learning. development implies qualitative changes. This means that development does not consist of adding inches to one's hight or increasing kg in weight. These include changes in abilities like learning to speak, changes in behavior, interests, comprehensions, etc. 
 According to Laura Berk, Child development is a field of study devoted to understanding human constancy and change from conception through adolescence. 

  • Stages of Child Development
The total life span is divided into eight stages or period, which is known as Stages of development. Each of which is characterized by certain developmental and behavioral characteristics. This stage helps to study all phases of growth and development. The life span is divided into the following stages:-
1] Prenatal Period [from conception to birth]
     This is the first developmental period in the life span. This nine months period is the most rapid phase of change; during which a one-celled organism is transformed into a human baby. Greater growth and development takes place during this time.
2] Infancy and Toddlerhood [Birth to 2 years]
     Infancy is sub-divided into neonatal stage {birth to 15 days}, infancy {15 days to 18 months} and toddlerhood {18 to 24 months}. It is a period of various adjustments and helplessness. As infants grow, they learn many skills such as walking and talking and they become more independent. 
3] Early childhood [2-6years]
     in this stage, children show some characteristics like egocentrism, and more independent, active, energetic, curious, and ready to explore and experiment. This period is also known as the "Preschool" period. After this children are ready to go to formal school.
4] Late Childhood [6-12 years]
During this stage, physical growth is slow but steady. Physical changes take place in the last one or two years. Being the school stage, children continue mastering the language, writing, play, social and school skills.
5] Adolescence [12-20years]
     This period is the bridge between childhood and adulthood. The beginning of this period is puberty leading to sexual maturity. Quest for identity begins, thoughts are more logical and abstract. The Peer group has a greater impact on their life. An adolescent chooses a career and prepares for the world of work.
6] Young Adulthood [20-40 years]
    This is entering into adulthood. Long term goals are set up in fields such as career, family, and society. Important issues at this stage are getting an occupation and getting married. Young adult realizes responsibilities towards both.
7] Middle Adulthood [40-60 years]
     This period is usually tranquil and satisfying. Individual personality traits are generally stable over time. It is a time of achievement, evaluation and also known as the period of 'empty nest' as children stay away from home due to job or they leave home after marriage, but look for personal guidance. Retirement takes place at the end of this stage.
8] Late Adulthood  [60 years till death]
   There is a decline in many physical functions. Strength, decrease in energy, loss of memory, difficulty in mobility, loss of hearing capacity, are all problems which elderly facing is due to aging. reduce income is a major problem in this period as a lot of medical expenses are there. It also a period of loneliness, because the death of a spouse gets a burden to another spouse which makes the partner lonely. 

Needs of the Children and Various ways to Meet Them.

The needs of every child are different as per their needs and their stage in which they are. It depends on the age and developmental stage in which the child is in. catering of Children's needs is the most important responsibility of the parents, caregivers, and society. whether her needs are physical, mental or social in nature, they all contribute to a child's overall development. In order for their proper growth and development needs of children must be met from time to time. Because they are helpless and dependent on elders, its duty of elders to fulfill their all needs. There is a hierarchy of needs that is put forth by Abraham Maslow known as "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs". It is in the form of pyramids beginning with physiological needs at the bottom, moving through the middle level of emotion and the social needs and ultimately reaching out to the needs of self-actualization and transcendence. This hierarchy of needs gives a clear picture of the needs of young children.

  • Physiological or physical needs.

These are basic survival and life-sustaining needs. Fulfillment of these needs is very essential at all stages in the life span of human beings. They are;-
1- Food
   Adequate, healthy, nutritious and balanced food is a basic necessity of any child. Changes in quality and quantity of the food as per the growing age are required for proper growth and development of children. Parents and caregivers should fulfill these needs for the appropriate and healthy development of the child. Health and nutrition affect both physical and mental growth. In the early years, poor nutrition may affect the development of the baby.

2- Clothing
     Comfortable clothing as per the changing season is one of the essential needs of the children. They need clothing for protection from the weather.

3- Shelter
    Along with food and clothing, shelter is one of the essential needs of the children in the early years. Children should be provided with a secure home for their protection and safety.

4- Health
   Regular health/medical checkup during the prenatal and postnatal period is very essential. hygienic habits, cleanliness, proper food, clean surrounding, the balance between rest and exercise promote good health.

5- Prevention from illness
    At a young age, children are susceptible to disease and illness. Therefore, the immunization schedule as per doctor's advice must be followed. Immunization to fight against the illness and diseases at the proper time and adequate dosages are required. Also, children should get proper medical treatment during their sickness.

  • Psycho-social needs.

Young children need warm and loving adults in order to cater to their psychosocial needs. Children should be able to develop a stable and continuous relationship with people around. Therefore, security, affection, emotional support, etc. are necessary for healthy psycho-social development. 
These needs are as follows;-
1- Love and affection-
   These are the basic emotional needs of every child. Children need unconditional love from adults. If a child feels adults around him are loving and understanding, he will feel secure, friendly and will develop trust. Children need affection which gives them a sense of belongingness.
2- Sense of belongingness-
    the basic state of everyone's life that he/she belongs to somebody and that somebody belongs to him/her. Belongingness is the need to love and to be loved and accepted.
3- Acceptance.
    Each one needs to be accepted the way he/she is. This means that children need to be accepted with their strengths and weaknesses. They need to be valued for themselves for what they are. They need to be understood and accepted.
4- Security.
    It is the sense when one gets a feeling that he is accepted by the people around him. If a person feels that he is being rejected, then it leads to insecurity. Fulfillment of all basic need lead to trust and security.
5- Peers. 
     To grow with children of the same age is a social need. Children need to have a friend, they need to have a bond with them play with them. Peers can make unique contributions to a child's development in many ways. They learn to share, lead, follow, accept, adjust, and conform to the group.
6- Play-
   Play satisfies many needs in a child's life. Every aspect of child development is enhanced through play. Play is children's unique way of experiencing the world and practicing and improving skills. Young children need to play material and toys of different types to manipulate, explore, experiment, and to satisfy curiosity. Infants should be given rattles, soft toys, whereas preschoolers should be provided with building blocks, puzzles, educational toys to develop concepts. Children need to participate in free and spontaneous play, dramatic play, creative play, and constructive play.
7- Developing confidence-
   To trust one's self, one's own capacities lead to a sense of confidence. Allowing toddlers to do things on their own, allowing preschoolers to take initiative and to take age-appropriate decisions helps them in developing confidence.
8- Religious needs-
   Inculcation of certain aspects of religion can be started at a young age. Celebrations of festivals help them to know the culture, rituals, etc. Children can be given the opportunity to participate and help in small chores during festivals. Such acts would help to satisfy curiosity. They learn and respect the culture and tradition.

  • Role of parents and caregivers in satisfying the needs.
  1. Accept the children as they are.
  2. Let children experience unconditional love.
  3. learn to identify the needs at different stages and accordingly fulfill them.
  4. give freedom with appropriate limits defined.
  5. Allow children to grow at their own pace, do not nudge children before they are ready.
  6. Provide various stimulation material such as books, toys, puppets, blocks, etc.
  7. Help children to achieve developmental tasks at every stage.

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